
We deliver total solutions tailored to your agriculture or forestry

Drones for use in agriculture

Our purpose is to contribute to a precision agriculture that increases yields and reduces costs, using fewer resources.

The drone can be used to carry out a thorough analysis of the agricultural areas and map the need for drainage, liming and active control of weeds, pests, fungi and dry rot on the areas.

We supply additional equipment for the drone to spread pesticides or fertiliser. We have a well-functioning solution for spraying strawberries and dry rot in potato fields.

The drone can also be equipped with high-resolution cameras that take thousands of unique images of your property that are compiled into a 3D map. This can be used to optimize the map for the tractor’s GPS Positioning etc


Drones are now creating a digital revolution in forestry.

By using a high-resolution camera, we can map the forest and GPS mark the trees that have been attacked by bark beetles etc. So that the forest owner detects such attacks early, and can take the necessary measures.

We have additional equipment for the drone for planting forest plants, spraying or fertilizing the forest. We are involved in a separate afforestation project. A drone can plant up to 10,000 forest plants in one day. The drone can plant, spray, fertilize and monitor the growth.

We can also supply a high-quality thermal camera to map different types of game in the terrain, they see everything both day and night


Inspection with a drone camera enables detailed monitoring of the plants throughout the growing season. Drones equipped with advanced cameras and sensors can fly low over the areas and capture important data on growing conditions, drainage, need for lime, etc.

This includes information about the plant’s health and development, water requirements and various nutrients, as well as any need for spraying against pests or diseases. This information allows the farmer to quickly identify problems and implement measures to ensure good yields.


We deliver the most comprehensive package of environmental mapping and mapping services currently offered in the Nordic region. We work with our customers to ensure that our environmental mapping services are optimized for the customer’s needs. UAVs (drones) offer a safer, faster and more cost-effective method of surveying and monitoring large areas for environmental protection, environmental management and environmental investigations, especially where vehicle and personnel access is difficult, dangerous or harmful.


In many industries, drones are an important tool. The real estate industry, the building and construction industry, farmers, internet companies and aid corps are some of the players who need to collect data from the air via drones. Technology development within drone systems, cameras and sensors is very fast, and means that drones can be equipped with increasingly advanced optics and forms of measuring equipment. In some cases, drones can replace the use of manned aircraft. Postal companies have started testing delivery services with drones.

Aviation is also facing major changes related to unmanned aerial vehicles – eVTOL.

Norwegian drone operators basically have good access to airspace where the drone is operated within visual range and lower than 120 meters above the ground. Within the open category, courses and exams are given on the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority’s drone portal, flydrone.no. Anyone who flies a drone with a camera and/or who weighs more than 250 grams is required to register with the Norwegian Aviation Authority.

From 2024, there is also a requirement for remote identification of several types of drones.


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Drones for spraying and fertilizing etc Request a quote Download (click here)
DJI Agras T50 For agriculture and forestry etc Request a quote Download (clik here)
DJI Agras T25 For spraying and fertilizing etc Request a quote Download (clik here)
Dronetecknology Drones in agriculture Informasjon Download (click here)

We have the agency on DJI Agras drones.

We provide you with good and tailor-made offers for drones adapted to your use. Contact us for a quote